
[TIL] react-animation-on-scroll 간단한 스크롤 애니메이션

성중 2022. 4. 25. 13:20

react-animation-on-scroll 라이브러리를 활용해 React에서  간단한 스크롤 애니메이션을 구현해볼 것이다


GitHub - MetinArslanturk/react-animation-on-scroll: A react library to animate elements on scroll. It has integration with anima

A react library to animate elements on scroll. It has integration with animate.css. Supports typescript and server side rendering - GitHub - MetinArslanturk/react-animation-on-scroll: A react libra...


1. 다음 명령어로 라이브러리를 설치

npm install react-animation-on-scroll --save
yarn add react-animation-on-scroll

2. index.html의 head에 다음과 같이 넣어 CDN에서 파일을 불러온다

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

3. 원하는 곳에 import해 애니메이션을 골라 사용한다!

import { AnimationOnScroll } from 'react-animation-on-scroll';
<AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__bounceIn">
  <h2>Some Text</h2>


Demo 페이지에서 다양한 애니메이션들을 확인할 수 있다 다 뭔가 쓰기 애매한듯


React Animation On Scroll


다음과 같이 활용했다

import { AnimationOnScroll } from "react-animation-on-scroll";
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInLeftBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={htmlcss} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInRightBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={git} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInLeftBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={computerscience} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInRightBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={javascript} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInLeftBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={typescript} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInRightBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={react} />
        <AnimationOnScroll animateIn="animate__fadeInLeftBig">
          <RoadMapImg names={cooperation} />


잘 작동 한다!